What is azota – registration azota – assignment azota – assignment azota
What is azota – registration azota – assignment azota – assignment azota what is azota,
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Platform for creating exam questions and online exercises
What is azota Link
what is azota app
What is azota software What is azota.vn?
Platform for creating exam questions, online exercises help teachers easily create exam questions, online exercises quickly and easily, send exam questions to students to take simple exams.
In this article, I will guide you to register for an Azota account, assign assignments, and grade papers online.
azota sign up Visit the Azota website : azota.vn · Click Register · Select I’m a teacher · Fill in your name, phone number, set an account password then click Register By clicking the “ SIGN UP ” button , I agree to the AZOTA Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
And you already have an account? Log in azota exercises
Azota helps teachers, training centers, schools digitize exam questions and exercises in 2 minutes. Easily organize exams, tests and exercises , practice online azota submit papers Instructions for parents of students to submit assignments on Azota
Step 1: To be able to submit assignments for students on Azota, we first need to access our child’s class group on Zalo or study group on other applications such as Facebook, Viber, Zoom, etc.
Step 2: In the study group, click on the exercise link on Azota that the teacher has sent to the group.
Step 3: Then, select the student’s name, if you don’t see your child in the list, you can log in to the student’s Azota account. If students do not have this account, they can refer to the article: Instructions to register for an Azota account extremely quickly Step 4: Now at Azota’s assignment submission interface, click Take a photo or Choose a file (Photo, video, audio or PDF file is supported) , to upload the completed assignment here.
Step 5: Next, select the image, the exercise file that your child has completed.
Step 6: Once you have uploaded the completed exercise file, tap the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 7: After that, parents and students wait for a while to successfully submit assignments. azota is faulty During use, if you have any doubts about errors or problems, please do “Report a bug” to Azota What is azota web? Azota – Platform for Creating Exams, Online Exercises. https://azota.vn Azota helps teachers, training centers, schools digitize exam questions and exercises in 2 minutes. Easily organize exams, tests and exercises, practice online
Application Information Azota Platform: Android 5.0 and above,iOS 9.0 and above
Size: Android ~22 MB, iOS ~77.7 MB Application
Type: Learning Education Publisher: Azota 5 main features of the application Azota No need to create a new account, sync with Zalo Correct answer suggestions for parents who can guide their children Sign in and use easily Control and track their children’s learning Use on any device What is azota – registration azota – assignment azota – assignment azota
Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/azota-la-gi-azota-dang-ky-azota-nop-bai-azota-bai-tap.html#