
SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera

SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera

SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera 1250k, help you observe the whole space and not miss any nooks and crannies.

Memory card Save full 24/7 Save when in motion 16GB 3.5 days 7-10 days 32GB 7 days 14-20 days 64GB 14 days 30-45 days 128GB 28 days 60-80 days Camera supports up to 128GB memory card The camera is equipped with a 2MP lens for Full HD 1080P sharp images for high quality remote viewing. What makes the next interesting thing is that the App supports many different types of panoramic views, owners can view from many angles with as many innovative ways of viewing as they like.  

SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera Specifications: Trademark SmartZ Model SCR3605 Designs Ceiling tiles  HD resolution 2.0MP (1920×1080) Image sensor 1/3 CMOS Standard image compression H.264 Frames/Second 25fps Picture View Type 4 Observation angle 360 degrees Zoom Is not Wi-Fi connection Yes Network wire connection Is not Memory card support Micro SD 128GB infrared Yes 2-way audio Yes Motion alert Yes Alarm sound from camera Yes Software on the phone V380 Software on PC Yes The source 5V-2A  

The useful feature that the device brings is the app break-in alert. With this Camera, the owner has an extra person to guard the house 24/24, immediately detecting intruders through the motion detection feature. The camera sends out an alert with a short Instant App Video, allowing owners to react instantly to a break-in. SmartZ IP Camera Full HD Wifi SCR3605 Reasons why choose 360 ​​CCTV Camera:    

❋ Compact camera, modern design    Installing 1 camera that can observe all rooms    Camera with convenient wifi connection, quick installation    Night infrared, helping to view images in the evening clearly    Sound two-way bar,

can hear and speak through the device    User-friendly and easy-to-operate mobile software SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera SEE THE FULL CAMERA Contact for support and advice 

Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80  CONTACT US TODAY SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/product/camera-smartz-ip-wifi-full-hd-scr3605-camera-giam-sat-360-do-toan-canh#

SmartZ IP Wifi Camera Full HD SCR3605 – Panoramic 360-degree surveillance camera


Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp camera các ngân hàng, tổ chức tài chính

Giải pháp về quan sát báo trộm

Lắp Camera Nhà hàng, quán cà phê

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp camera Khách sạn, nhà nghỉ

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Camera giám sát cho Trường học, cơ sở giáo dục

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp Camera Nhà xưởng, kho bãi

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp camera Các khu chung cư, tòa nhà cao tầng

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp Camera bệnh viện và cơ sở y tế

How to be happy alone

How to be happy alone

Being alone can sometimes be difficult for us. Whether you’re single, living alone, or simply finding it difficult to adjust to being “single,” staying happy when no one is around can be challenging. The reason is because we often expect others to help us fill the void. However, you can still be happy being alone by becoming independent, building a positive outlook, and increasing self-awareness.

How to be happy alone

Compare yourself with others. …
The time on social networks. …
Stop using the phone. …
Time for a off a breakback. …
Date yourself. …
File. …
Go volunteer. …
Treat yourself to a delicious meal.


How to be happy alone


Learn something new. Most people hate being alone because they do not know what to do in their free time. …
Avoid comparing yourself. …
Take a break from social media. …
Pamper yourself. …
Stay active. …
Spend some time with nature. …
Acknowledge things you are grateful for.


How to be happy alone


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How to be healthy and happy,
How to be happy,
How to deal with happiness,
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Some example for you reference

Understand you’re good enough all by yourself.
Serving food at a soup kitchen
Value others’ opinions, but value your own more.
Mentoring a young person in a Big Brother or Big Sister program
Reading to the elderly in nursing homes
Environmental or animal rights activism
Learn to be an observer.
Arts and crafts projects
Close your eyes in a dark room and appreciate the silence.

Learn how to talk to yourself.
Cherish every interaction.
Learning to play an instrument
Rearrange your furniture.
Avoid mindless consumption.
Deep breathing exercises
Volunteer your time.
Exploring new hobbies keeps your mind active and engaged.
Make plans for the future, and pursue them immediately.
Learning a new language

Go to a movie alone.
Pursue an impractical project.


Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp camera các ngân hàng, tổ chức tài chính

Giải pháp về quan sát báo trộm

Lắp Camera Nhà hàng, quán cà phê

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp camera Khách sạn, nhà nghỉ

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Camera giám sát cho Trường học, cơ sở giáo dục

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp Camera Nhà xưởng, kho bãi

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp camera Các khu chung cư, tòa nhà cao tầng

Giải pháp về quan sát công trình

Lắp Camera bệnh viện và cơ sở y tế




ハノイでのwifi監視カメラのパッケージのインストール 必要ですか:包括的なソリューション フルパッケージカメラソリューション、ネットワークシステムインストールソリューション、パッケージサーバー、パッケージ配電盤インストールソリューション、パッケージソフトウェアソリューション、インストールソリューション軽電気システムパッケージの設計と構築…私たちと一緒に来てください。 注目の商品をチェック!  または会社。あなたが売り上げを監視し、事業活動を監視し、あなたのホームセキュリティを監視し、またはあなたの子供の世話をするのを手伝ってください  今日私たちに来てくださいあなた自身の電話でワイヤレス  カメラリモート監視!  本物のカメラ–スーパークリア–スーパーエコ– すべての自動で無料の配線に必要なワイヤレスなしでクリアな  サウンドを保存します。►ただ:観察する位置に置き、WIFIモデム(またはネットワークケーブル)に接続します►電話、タブレット、iPad、ラップトップ、PCなどのモバイルデバイスをどこにいてもネットワークを監視します… ——— —————————————— 必要な場合は、電話番号を残してください。当社からご連絡いたします。 詳細については、以下にお問い合わせください。 サポートプロジェクト:コンピューターネットワークの設計、ワークショップ、工場、ステーションでのカメラの設置。ホットライン:0916.33.99.80。あなたの情報を受け取った後、私たちはあなたをサポートするために無料の技術相談をします。  THINH AN PHAT JOINTSTOCKCOMPANY。 住所:No 3、20 / 26/10 My Dinh、NTLハノイ ホットライン:0916.33.99.80、Zalo 0916.33.99.80 Web:https ://huinvn.com、Eメール:   info@huinvn.com

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/lap-dat-tron-goi-camera-giam-sat-wifi-ha-noi.html#




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What is smart home?

What is smart home?

What is a smart home? A type of house where electrical and electronic equipment is installed that can be controlled or automated or semi-automatically,

replacing humans in performing one or several management and control operations. Smart  home (English: home automation, domotics, smart home

or … household  appliances  can understand each other’s languages ​​and be able to interact  with  each other. What is a smart home?

What is smart home?

What is smart home?

Adding Safety Through Appliance and Lighting Control 1.2 Benefit 2 – Protect  Your Home  Through Automatic Door Lock. 1.3 Benefit 3 – Increased View  Through  Security Cameras What is smart home?


Apps smart home

There are still plenty of different apps, but most products have them for both iOS and Android, and manufacturing brands tend to use just one app to control all or many of their devices. However, these manufacturer apps still often don’t play nice with other brands.

Exceptions such as the Google Home app can let you control multiple devices from one place, though often with a reduced suite of features.

Smart assistants 

Smart assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa can be the central hub of a smart home. They’re not mandatory, but they make life easier by controlling all your devices from one spot using voice commands.

Android phones come with Google Assistant on board, and iPhones have Siri. No phones have Alexa built in, but you can buy a smart speaker with any of these three assistants built in.

All you have to do is give the voice command to activate your assistant, then tell it to do something. For example, “Hey Google, dim the lights in the lounge room” or “Alexa, play something romantic from Spotify”.

Once you get more comfortable with your gadgets, apps like If This Then That (IFTTT) let you create your own voice commands. You might program a smart assistant so that the command, “It’s movie time” dims the lights, turns on your TV and makes sure there’s no music playing anywhere in the house.

Automation smart home

Some apps and devices can talk to each other without you acting as the go-between.

Set the coffee machine to start brewing and lights to turn on as soon as your morning alarm goes off, or have the air conditioning power up when your smartwatch gets within 500 metres of home.

Different brands often still aren’t great at working with each other directly, but IFTTT can make apps and gadgets play nice even if they weren’t designed to.

The smart speaker revolution home

Smart speakers with inbuilt smart assistants, such as Google, Siri and Alexa, have become an integral element of home automation. Like your smartphone or tablet, a smart speaker can be used to control other smart devices. You simply make a statement such as “turn on the television” and the smart speaker will tell your smart TV to turn on.

Almost all brands integrate at least one of these assistants:

  • Google Assistant
  • Alexa (Amazon)
  • Siri (Apple)
  • A proprietary alternative (Samsung has developed Bixby, and LG has ThinQ, for example)

Google Home and Alexa

Aside from Samsung, most companies with proprietary systems also support Google, Alexa or both. This gives consumers the freedom to control a range of smart products from different brands, with a single speaker.

Many products also work with Apple’s Siri assistant, but only Apple products such as iPhones, Apple TV or the HomePod smart speaker have the assistant built in to act as a central smart hub.

Manufacturers are gradually adding these assistants to other devices as well. New-release TVs can accept the same commands as your phone or smart speaker through a microphone in the remote control.

One good example of this tech in action involves telling Google to put a live feed from your front door security camera on the TV so you can see who’s at the door. These assistants will also arrive in cars in the coming years.

The price of a smart speaker doesn’t affect the quality of its built-in smart assistant – only the sound quality and any other features it may have, such as whether or not is has Bluetooth.



SmartHome is owned, operated and staffed by dedicated people who all share a passion for home automation and smart home technologies.

We look forward to providing you with not only the best smart home products available, but also with exceptional customer service, advice and support.


The Best Smart Home Devices for 2022

Whether you’re looking for a connected light bulb, security camera, or thermostat, start with the best smart home devices we’ve tested for every room in the house.


How to create your own smart home: the basics

An introduction to the internet of things, and how you can use it to make your life easier.

What is a smart home Contact for support and advice


Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80

CONTACT US TODAY Smart home Contact for support and advice 

Hotline: 0916.33.99.80,  Zalo 0916.33.99.80 


Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/nha-thong-minh-la-gi.html

What is smart home?


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What is smart home?

Source Link: https://huinvn.com/what-is-smart-home.html

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Installing a package of wifi surveillance cameras in Hanoi

Installing a package of wifi surveillance cameras in Hanoi

Installing a package of wifi surveillance cameras in Hanoi Are you in need: A comprehensive solution Full package camera solution, Network system installation solution, package server, Package switchboard installation solution, Package software solution, Installation solution Design and construction of light electrical system package… Come with us

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/lap-dat-tron-goi-camera-giam-sat-wifi-ha-noi.html#

Installing a package of wifi surveillance cameras in Hanoi


Support projects: Computer network design, Camera installation in workshops, factories, stations.. Hotline: 0916.33.99.80. After we receive your information, we will have a free technical consultation to support you.  THINH AN PHAT JOINT STOCK COMPANY. Address: No 3, 20/26/10 My Dinh, NTL Hanoi Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80 Web: https://huinvn.com , Email:   info@huinvn.com

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/lap-dat-tron-goi-camera-giam-sat-wifi-ha-noi.html#

Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m

Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m

Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m SmartZ IS10 FullHD 1080P Outdoor 4G Camera Smart Human Detection Finding and installing  4G Outdoor Camara , 

Outdoor 4G Sim Camera  to observe villas, houses, buildings, offices, factories .. is very important and becoming more and more popular.     Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m       You are free to save long-term image/video data because the AI ​​IS10 camera supports Micro SD card slot up to 128GB (not available) for 24/24 recording time up to 40 days.

Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m

With modern 3G/4G connectivity, the IS10 can work effectively, even in areas without Internet or difficult to install network wires thanks to 3G/4G telecommunications networks. If in areas where the Internet is available, the IS10 Camera can still work more stably thanks to the RJ45 network port,

allowing you to connect the network cable directly from your home router. You can install it simply and easily without any technical staff help.  

Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80, Contact us today Sign up to receive support information, Smart Home documents

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/product/camera-3g-4g-ngoai-troi-xem-dem-tam-xa-len-toi-15m

Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m

Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m


Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m

Top-4G SIM Card Security Cameras in Ha Noi, Sydney, 

You won’t find a better security cam solution for remote off-grid places than profound 4G GSM cameras. Security Lab offers the latest models with the 4G and 3G support.

4G security cameras are capable of monitoring the isolated area with a limited view angle and without any Internet infrastructure. Just insert SIM card and you can watch live video remotely on your mobile phone or computer, PC. SecurityLab stock solar and Solar battery powered 4G SIM card wireless security cameras that will spare you from the necessity to deal with the messy cables, save your money usually spent for running wires and will fit any decor. Besides, 4G security cameras that we offer for sale in Australia can operate anywhere within the range of the 4G cellular, mobile  network.Our 4G construction cameras support Telstra, Optus, Vodafone SIM cards and work across whole Australia i.e. Sydney, Melbourne, Pert, Brisbane and other cities.

4G security cameras are great for the secluded places without any Internet or power source. You may easily install such cameras in your remote cabin, farm ranch, boat, shed, marina, hotel, construction site, campsite, warehouse, etc.


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Outdoor 3G 4G Camera Night vision up to 15m


Contact to install genuine cheap 3G/4G home surveillance camera?

Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80, Contact today

================================== ================

Source link: https://huinvn.com/product/camera-3g-4g-ngoi-troi-xem-dem-tam-xa-len-toi-15m

High-end burglar alarm GW02 – connect wifi, GSM, PSTN

High-end burglar alarm GW02 – connect wifi, GSM, PSTN



the system runs the normal sim of all carriers with the feature of making calls and texting. When choosing a sim card, please note the following:  The SIM you choose to buy must be registered with the owner, if you buy a junk sim after a while, the number will be deleted   take time to buy another sim  When changing the sim on the hub, there is no need to reset any parameters but  on the phone control app need to change the center number  It is convenient to choose to buy a sim card with the same carrier as the host (same network viettel, vina, etc.)  or mobi..) to avoid the phenomenon of internet calling and texting being dropped

+ B in the center of: receiving signals from the sensor, then activate the speakers sounding the alarm at the same time calling and texting to the owner or the pre-installed police. The hub works with about 100 wireless sensors and 4 sensors with wire (or connect up to 8 wired sensors). Features: 4 features (alarm, home mode, alarm off mode, SOS) see details below remote (control)

+ Sensor: has the function of sending signals to the central unit, the signal sent back is wired or wireless depending on the type of sensor, but the functions are as follows. Commonly used sensors High-end burglar alarm GW02 – wifi, GSM, PSTN connection – Vietnamese language, easy to set up

– LCD screen displays date and time, alarm on/off information , sim status,… – Keyboard touch – use technology WIFI, GSM, PSTN (Sim damage still press) – Add 99 area wireless sensors & 4 regions left turn wired – Add up to 150 devices – Add 4 groups call & 3 groups to send messages when there is an alarm – Send a message when the battery is low, or the power is off – Support wireless ring connection – Android & iOS phone software (Wifialarm) – Power usage: AC9V-12V

– GSM: 850/900/1800/1900Mhz – Built-in battery: up to 6 hours standby time – Full charging time: 4 hours – Wifi frequency: 2.4G

– Wireless sensor frequency: 433Mhz, code 1527/2264 – Loudness of the bell attached: 110Db

– Product size: 18*12.5*3.5 cm   Used as alarm, anti-theft & doorbell at home – Doorbell connects to Remote 433 MHz Remote, sensor, bell   The devices connect to each other via wifi waves, the connection distance is up to 30m without walls and 10m when there are walls.  GW02 has up to 99 wireless sensing zones and 4 wired sensing zones. Loudspeakers announce at a loud volume, which can frighten thieves and notify everyone in the house and surrounding neighbors about the break-in. 


Contact for support and advice  Website:  http://Huinvn.com Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80 Email:  info@huinvn.com CONTACT US TODAY

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/product/bao-trom-cao-cap-gw02-ket-noi-wifi-gsm-pstn

High-end burglar alarm GW02 – connect wifi, GSM, PSTN

GW02 high-end burglar alarm – wifi connection , phone burglar alarm system , door-mounted anti-theft device , outdoor anti-theft device


Theft alarm with sensor GSM GP01

Theft alarm with sensor GSM GP01

Theft alarm with sensor GSM GP01 id2320000

– Alarm system with LCD screen GP01 is equipped with dual network technology used in mobile phone style (GSM) for smart alarm. – Learn wireless and wired sensors for the security of your home. When there is a signal from these sensors , the center will howl and notify your phone number by calling or texting .

– Speaker with large capacity – Built-in battery for up to 4 hours GP01 – GSM sensor burglar alarm Using GSM sim – English language, voice output in Vietnamese

– With screen displaying information – Battery: 4 hours – Using GSM sim

– Touch keyboard – Add 99 wireless sensors and 4 sensors wire. Each zone has 8 modes to choose from – Create 4 groups of alarm on/off time (alarm on/off schedule)

– Add 9 phone numbers to call alarm

– Add 6 phone numbers to send messages tap – Software used on Android and iOS phones

– Product has 2 years genuine warranty – Connection distance between devices: 30m uncertain ==================================================== ========================================

Contact for support and advice  Website:  http://Huinvn.com Hotline: 0916.33.99.80, Zalo 0916.33.99.80 Email:  info@huinvn.com CONTACT US TODAY

Link nguồn : https://huinvn.com/product/bo-bao-trom-co-cam-ung-gsm-gp01

Theft alarm with sensor GSM GP01

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